Friday, February 3, 2012

valentine's day Pyrex display.

I take pride in my Pyrex collection. As it has grown over the last couple of years I have had to get creative on how to use, display and enjoy all 51 pieces that I own (so far ;) ). As I was decorating for Valentine's Day recently I decided to turn my dining room buffet into an oasis for all my pink Pyrex pieces. I have since added a few items, but this gets the jist of the idea. It has received so many compliments I think I will continue to rotate different displays on this beautiful area, under my favorite windows in the house. Also, I cannot believe I haven't written more about Pyrex on here. My goal is to get a photo of all my pieces on my blog by the time summer hits! Enjoy Pyrex lovers!


  1. Thank you, Megan! I just love valentine's day-I hope your family has a great one this year!
