Tuesday, January 17, 2012

alivia's homemade quilt.

I so enjoy being an Aunt. I have one niece who is 9 months old. She lives close by and I have the opportunity to see her often-equally as important my kids get to play with their cousin frequently. She is a happy, round, bundle of personality and I love her dearly. As you may remember from earlier entries I made my kids each a quilt embroidered with their names Jackson's Quilt and Emilia's Quilt. It is my goal to make these for all of my children, nieces and nephews throughout the years. This entry is all about Miss. Alivia's quilt. The backside of this quilt matches the ruffle and is all purple polka dots. I think the vibrant print and lots of purple suits my niece and I hope she enjoys it for many years and remembers it as a special gift her Aunt Kate made just for her.

Friday, January 13, 2012

true outdoorsmen.

My husband and son are both incredible outdoorsmen. They love hunting, fishing, being in the snow, being in the sun, digging in the dirt, cutting down trees, fixing things, working with their hands, reorganizing their tools, being in the basement, starting any engine, planting trees, being on the tractors, driving in or riding in a truck, walking a field, blazing a path in the woods, having a bonfire, climbing trees, and they look good doing it all. Thanks to our great family friend, Sarah List, and her job for Carhart our boys are now decked out while they work in the Michigan outdoors. Their matching Carharts hang in our basement on matching cast iron hooks shaped like deer. They are true outdoorsmen.

Monday, January 9, 2012

celebrating the new year with my family in Arizona.

To kick off 2012 my family made the flight to Arizona to spend time at my parent's house. The cost to travel there has gotten to be so much and as our family grows we are able to make the trek less often. This means that when we do go-it is a real treat! We went for a week and our trip overlapped with my brother and his wife, my cousin and my grandma. During our time there we were able to squeeze in antique/Pyrex shopping, lots of mexican food, family photos, a recipe swap, snuggling on the couch, play dates with great friends, preparing meals together, golf, board games, sunshine and lots of new memories! It was a very memorable trip. This was the first time my parents have been able to host the whole family since my brother and I moved away and were married- this meant so much to them. In turn, this was especially great for all of us. To say we enjoyed it would be an understatement. Time with family is great and this vacation was no exception. Thanks for a great time everyone.