Sunday, October 21, 2012

for the love of pyrex.

I have been collecting vintage Pyrex for a few years now.  I have accumulated about 100 pieces and my family has contributed in helping me find pieces to expand my collection.  My kids and husband enjoy "the hunt" for them at antique stores, estate sales and thrift shops.  Parents and grandparents pitch in and many occasions for me involve gifts of the Pyrex genre.  I fell in love with these beauties because I quickly found that each person selling one had a story about how many meals they had prepared in these dishes and how many decades ago they were a wedding gift to them.  They remind me of a "suzy homemaker" lifestyle of decades ago that I enjoy keeping alive in my home.  These are the perfect dishes to prepare family recipes in and bring to meals with family and friends.  I mix and match pieces to decorate for birthdays, holidays and meals at home.  They are perfect for a fancy Thanksgiving dinner and a Monday morning cereal bowl.  I hope my children continue to help me collect these dishes over the years, attribute memories of mom's cooking to each one, disperse between their families, and cook for their children in.  I am sure I have over-thought each piece of Pyrex I have in my cupboard, but to me they symbolize so much about my goals as a wife, mother and homemaker.  

1 comment:

  1. I love all of the colors!!! It reminds me of dishes my grandmother use to have :-)
