Our new home has a breakfast nook. This is such a charming little spot in our house and we have already spent quite a bit of time here. This area in the house has also become the "organizational heart of the house." It sits between the kitchen and dining room and has lots of storage nearby. The calender, house phone, computer and "junk drawer" are all nearby. The kids and I find ourselves here most days for breakfast and lunch. I fix the kids a meal and sit to organize coupons, pay bills, or jump online. The world map under the glass of the table was left by the previous owner and has sparked a lot of conversation-so we are leaving it. The paint colors and wallpaper are also from the previous owner. We have added our own personal touches but enjoy the banquette as we bought it.
Except-as I look at these picture I realize that the base of the nook table needs to be painted white...don't you think?