Dressing my daughter is often times the highlight of my day. I so look forward to getting her all dolled up and she enjoys it too. Her favorite accessories are jewelry and shoes. She is still hesitant to keep on hats and hairbows. But she does really love a good scarf. She is in love with make-up brushes and playing in my make-up box. It is so funny to me that my one year old has accessory preferences, but also very apparent! This outfit was for a cool spring day last week...I love to mix and match pieces to be sure that no other little girl in the world has chosen that same outfit for the day. I do like "sets" sold for kids, but rarely keep them together-I don't want my kids to look "cookie cutter" and feel like this instills creativity and courage to be different early on:)
Awww….I love this!! She's a fashionista just like her mumma=)