Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Springtime in Michigan

Springtime is coming slowly but surely. The robins are out and the rhubarb has sprouted in our backyard. We are all having fun spending the extended daylight hours of our evenings outside in our rainboots and every once in a while it is warm enough to take the kids out for an afternoon stroll...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jackson loves Tractors

We live in small town America and my boys love to be outside. Here are few pictures of them being manly!

Emilia's first birthday

Being Mom

Two days this week as stay-at-home mom...different looks=equal comfort:)

my most beloved "thing"

I do not treasure items much in my life-I try to focus on people but if I did chose one object to treasure it would be wedding/engagement ring. My husband and I have been dating for almost a decade (highschool sweethearts) and married about 3 1/2 years. As we talked about marriage over the years I always told him I wanted him to pick out my ring and I wanted it to look "antique and unique." When he asked me to marry him February 2007 I thought he did an amazing job and I am in awwwe of how well he captured the spirit of me in this ring. This is the only item I could lose that I feel truly is irreplaceable.

Emilia's fashion

Dressing my daughter is often times the highlight of my day. I so look forward to getting her all dolled up and she enjoys it too. Her favorite accessories are jewelry and shoes. She is still hesitant to keep on hats and hairbows. But she does really love a good scarf. She is in love with make-up brushes and playing in my make-up box. It is so funny to me that my one year old has accessory preferences, but also very apparent! This outfit was for a cool spring day last week...I love to mix and match pieces to be sure that no other little girl in the world has chosen that same outfit for the day. I do like "sets" sold for kids, but rarely keep them together-I don't want my kids to look "cookie cutter" and feel like this instills creativity and courage to be different early on:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cruise Fashions

The kids, husband and I all worked on packing for our western Caribbean cruise yesterday. We had a couple hours of impromptu fashion shows around the living room and accessorizing our outfits for a week of sunshine and fun. We currently have 8 inches of snow on the ground and springtime still seems far away...(although we do know how quick weather can change in Michigan).
I will document our outfits well...we have fun stylish casual wear, beachwear and formalwear for this affair. I am looking forward to outfits and photographs as much as the memories themselves! The kids will be so adorable in their thongs sandals, seersucker and nautical themed outfits!

My favorite home magazines

These are my 2 favorite home magazines displayed in my kitchen with my cookbooks and a few favorite dishes. Putting these types of inspirations into my decor keeps me thinking creatively.

I look forward to my monthly issue of BH&G so much. It gives me that creative boost and energy to constantly keep my home updated and better organized and maintained. I love all of the fresh ideas in this book and I love that my mom and grandma have been subscribing for years. It is fun to know this magazine has been inspiring for so many generations!

Michigan Home and Lifestyle magazine is my favorite state/local home magazine. It comes out each season and features homes from each geographical section of Michigan. The homes are beautiful and this magazine always makes me proud of the state of Michigan and all of its natural beauty. My mom subscribed me to this magazine and I look forward to all of the issues I receive.

New foam hair colors

Today I tried out the bright blonde hair color kit from Loreal called sublime mousse. I have been anxious to try this new foaming product and I must say this was the easiest hair color application I have ever done. It was so much quicker and easier than both the salon and other at home hair color. The secrets in the FOAM! So quick and easy and the blonde color I achieved was pretty good...not salon or celeb quality but pretty good for 30 minutes and 2 babies below my feet on a snowy Friday at home.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

recipe journal

I received this journal as a gift from my mother in law and I have been working on filling it up for my children. I really love to cook and I am always remembering recipes family members have made that I would now love to make for my family. Because of this I have decided it would be beneficial for me to document all of my own recipes as well as ones I love from family and friends. This way when my children start their own families they can look back at their favorite meals as kids and recreate them for their families. I also know how special it is to have a family recipe written in that person's handwriting so I think this adds a personal touch to having family recipes. As I wrote in the front of the book, "this book is intended for my children...enjoy and say grace before your meals. love, mom"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Lucky for me, my children sleep in. I have come to love these mornings as a stay-at-home mother. Not because my kids are too much or they drive me crazy, but because I have found out how to use this time to focus myself and be a better mom for them. My mornings are used for journaling, using the computer, exercising, reading, getting ahead on cleaning, researching clothing or home decor inspirations, drinking coffee and connecting with God. When I start the day on this high, I have a great appreciation for my life and all of the blessings I am surrounded with. I have time to be alone with my thoughts, goals and God. I reflect on the woman I want to be and the children I hope to raise. I think about how to be a better wife and I make a conscious effort everyday at this time to live that day full of appreciation and optimism. This makes all the difference in every person I encounter, negative energy or daily stress I come across. I believe the only thing controlling a person's attitude is themselves.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Farmer's market

These photos are from summer 2010 in a western Michigan farmer's market...

I love a good birch

Took my kids sledding in the last snow and caught a few great photos...
Organic eggs and my favorite vintage Pyrex dish
Fresh farm eggs from a family friend

sophisticated lady

My daughter on her very first birthday.

Hard worker

My son is the best boy in the world.

Soon to be an aunt

My beautiful sister-in-law is pregnant and I asked if I could take photos of her pregnancy..these two are my favorite.

Cruise Fashions

I have been cheating on fashion with home decor for months now and I vow to document my cruise outfits well during the first week of April and blog them when I get home on April 11--hold me to it.

Blue and White kitchen

My kitchen is simple, blue and white. I love it and I am convinced I will forever desire a white kitchen.


This is the rest of my dining room. I love the soothing colors of blues, greens, creams, greys and anchoring chocolate browns. I always love a soothing, shabby chic room with sophisticated comfort.

Hand-me-down drysink

My in-laws had no use for this vintage drysink and I think it made a beautiful buffet for my dining room! Thanks!

Trashed dresser turned shabby chic entertainment center

My in-laws bought new dressers for their bedroom. I took my M-I-L's dresser and whitewashed it, added new hardware and distressed it until I got a beautiful new entertainment center for $14! I used the mirror from this dresser to make my master bedroom dresser set.

Breakfast Table

This was an old plain jane table my in-laws didn't want anymore. A friend and I striped the drawers, added lime hardware, repainted the whole body and topped it with simple clean white wooden this...especially next to my blue and white kitchen! My kids eat their breakfast here and my son uses the stripes down the center as a "drive" for his cars and tractors.
I am slowly working on gaining the confidence and know-how necessary to keep my own blog alive. I am in love with my days at home with my kids. I am enjoying the traditional role of stay-at-home mom and I am in love with homemaking. My home is a place that is a true expression of myself and my family. My husband and I are hoping to own our own home very soon and until then I have been busy redoing furniture and collecting treasures....Happy Spring!